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what’s new in CommPay  for 2012

212-55 beta testing program language update
212-54 beta testing program language update
212-53 beta testing program language update
212-52 beta testing program language update
212-51 beta testing program language update
212-50 beta testing program language update
212-49 release available 11/25/2012
212-49 - all versions - an automatic billing and reoccurring billing process has been added to CommPay. This allows for preset customer billings to be automatically created at preset dates and for reoccurring billings to be automatically generated on a reoccurring basis. The automated billings can be set to be posted to the customer's CommPay revolving charge account or can be set for automatic payment via Authorize.Net credit card or electronic check capture.
212-49 - all versions - the daily posting procedure has been turned into a fully automatic process that can be set to be run by the CommPay automation service. The eliminates the need to manually run the posting process on a daily basis.
212-48 release available 11/24/2012
212-48 - DNS version - serialized item tracker - the serial number search now includes all ETA equipment used records for a given number rather than just locating the first match.
212-48 - all versions - the customer email address data field has been increased from 50 characters to 255 characters.
212-47 release available 11/16/2012
212-47 - all versions - processing logging for the CommPay email processor had been expanded.
212-46 release available 11/15/2012
212-46 - all versions - Authorize.net credit card capture - the customer email address and phone number have been added to the capture process.
212-46 - all versions - a MAC address field has been added to the serial number record and is used for satellite receivers that have a MAC address in addition to or instead of the normal data fields for card number and receiver id number.
212-45 release available 11/11/2012
212-45 - all versions - inventory assignment and transfer - all serialized inventory can now be transferred from one store to another store in-block in addition to the existing method of by individual serial number.
212-45 - DNS version - DNS general inventory corrections can now be made - this allows for adjustments, and tracking of adjustments, for DNS non-serilaized general inventory store quantities. This is in addition to the existing feature for CommPay regular general inventory.
212-45 - DNS version - DNS jobs can now be manually created. This allows the user to manually create a DNS job that cannot, for whatever reason, be imported from ETA.
212-44 release available 11/06/2012
212-44 - all versions - CommPay now interfaces directly with Authorize.Net for credit card capture. This allows any user with an existing Authorize.Net merchant account to do all credit card transactions directly through CommPay.
212-44 - all versions - inventory can now be directly imported from DSI Systems by entering the DSI invoice number. CommPay uses the DSI web services to locate and import the entire invoice and add to stock with a single button click.
212-43 release available 10/24/2012
212-43 - DNS version - DNS receiver inventory list - all receivers - the all-receiver list now has an additional tab to allow for a single invoice to be displayed rather than just sorted by invoice order. The single invoice list can be printed or exported to a spreadsheet.
212-42 release available 10/15/2012
212-42 - DNS version - a new report has been added for DNS Troublecalls. The troublecall toolbox files can be imported and the troublecall information is permanently saved. The report can be filtered by date completed range, technician, and store. The troublecall toolbox data file emailed to the dealer from Dish Network can be either manually imported or be set to be processed automatically by CommPay via a dedicated email address. This new report is in addition to the existing CommPay inhouse troublecall report.
212-42 - DNS version - DNS receivers assigned to technicians can now be uploaded with a single button click to the ETA Direct web site inventory list for the technician.
212-41 release available 10/08/2012
Important - CommPay users: this release of CommPay contains significant changes to the internal inventory processing and should not be installed until you have been given specific instructions from CommPay support - do NOT proceed with installing this release of CommPay until you have contacted CommPay support.
212-41 - HughesNet version - CommPay has been updated to reflect changes in the Perfect-10 web site login process.
212-41 - DNS version - a new report has been added for DNS Connectivity. The Connectivity files can be imported and the connectivity information for each job is permanently saved. The report can be filtered by date completed range, technician, and store. The Connectivity data file emailed to the dealer from Dish Network can be either manually imported or be set to be processed automatically by CommPay via a dedicated email address. This new report is in addition to the existing CommPay inhouse connectivity report.
212-41 - HughesNet version - CommPay has been updated to include the new Hughes Jupiter modem and radio for Perfect-10 RA requests.
212-41 - DNS version - a new report has been added for DNS Daily Job Completion. The Daily Completion files can be imported and the completion information for each job is permanently saved. The report can be filtered by date completed range, technician, and store. The Toolbox data file emailed to the dealer from Dish Network can be either manually imported or be set to be processed automatically by CommPay via a dedicated email address. This new report is in addition to the existing CommPay completed job report.
212-41 - all versions - remote CommPay connection - remote users can now run the full CommPay program over the internet by connecting to a URL rather than just an IP address. This eliminates the need for the CommPay server to have a static public IP address.
212-41 - DNS version - DNS receiver import has been modified to allow for the user to select the column placement of the import spreadsheet. Plus, an entire invoice order can now be directly imported from the Dish Network retailer care site by entering the inventory order number and clicking a single import button.
212-41 - all versions - an alternate satellite receiver retail price has been added to the general inventory record. This allows the normal retail price to be set to zero for a satellite receiver when it is added to a satellite sale and in non-satellite sale jobs the alternate retail price is used.
212-41 - all versions - technician web portal - the technician can now enter job start and end times via the technician web portal.
212-41 - DNS version - individual DNS jobs can now be locked to prevent the CommPay assigned job technician from being synchronized with the ETA assigned job technician.
212-41 - all versions - major new feature - signature capture has been added to CommPay. This allows for the use of a signature capture pad to be used by CommPay to capture a customer or staff member signature. The captured signature is then inserted into the document and the now-signed document is encrypted against editing and permanently saved in the job record - or in the case of a signed technician inventory signoff sheet, in the staff record. The signed documents are then made available for viewing, exporting, printing, or emailing via the new CommPay file handler.
212-41 - all versions - major new feature - file handling has been added to CommPay. The new CommPay File Handler feature allows any file type - doc, xml, pdf, etc. to be imported and permanently saved in any job record, employee record, customer record, inventory record, vendor record and purchase order record. This is in addition to the existing CommPay Image Handler that allows picture and document file import.
212-41 - all versions - inventory assignment and transfer - the technician signoff history button has been added to all tabs on the inventory assignment and transfer window instead of only the general tab.
212-41 - HughesNet version - RSI RA request - the RA requesting process for distributor RS&I has been updated to include the replacement item serial number.
212-41 - HughesNet version - when a Hughes job is rescheduled the CommPay reschedule reason notes are now automatically added to a new activity record and the user is given the choice of adding the activity record to the job on the Hughes web site.
212-41 - all versions - the CommPay Android soap server has been turned into a service and is now referred to as the CommPay Mobile processor.
212-41 - HughesNet version - Perfect-10 RA submission - CommPay has been updated to fix random missing FSO numbers in P10 RA requests.
212-41 - all versions - single technician inventory assignment report - a barcode for the receiver caid number has been added to the printed report.
212-41 - HughesNet version - CommPay now supports a Hughes dealer doing jobs from both Perfect-10 and RS&I at the same time. Previously, a single distributor needed to be selected in program setup.
212-41 - all versions - technician inventory assignment tracking has been completely redesigned. Inventory no longer needs to be attached to the job store but only to the job technician. Technicians can now do jobs for one store location with inventory that was assigned from another store location.
212-41 - DNS version - inventory to-be-returned report - the job completed date has been added to the displayed list in both the main program and the technician web portal.
212-41 - HughesNet version - Hughes job summary report - customer invoice taxable amount, non-taxable amount, and job sales tax authority have been added to the job summary report.
212-41 - DNS version - a new report has been added for the DNS Customer Satisfaction Survey. The CSat files can be imported and the CSat information for each job is permanently saved. The report can be filtered by date completed range, technician, and store. The CSat data file emailed to the dealer from Dish Network can be either manually imported or be set to be processed automatically by CommPay via a dedicated email address.
212-41 - all versions - technician remote access via Web Server, Tech Portal, and Android - full inventory-used restrictions have been implemented in all remote access methods. The technician cannot add inventory-used to any job if the job has been audited or canceled. Inventory-used cannot be added to any job if the job has a completed date entered unless the technician's access control has been set for inventory-used in completed jobs. These restrictions only apply to technician remote access, not the full CommPay program.
212-41 - all versions - time clock report - bug fix - the pay period selection list was not populating correctly under all circumstances - this has been fixed.
212-41 - DNS version - the DNS job completed date can now be set to auto-add via ETA import when the job is closed as completed in ETA. This feature must be turned on in DNS General Setup.
212-41 - DNS version - receivers can now be set to auto-add to DNS jobs via ETA import even when they are not assigned to the job technician. This feature must be turned on in DNS General Setup.
212-41 - HughesNet version - serialized inventory used report - when attempting to view the job record after viewing the serial number record via the inventory used report, the user would be exited from the report - this has been fixed.
212-41 - HughesNet version - HughesNet RA record - the RA type (credit, exchange, or return only) could not be modified when the RA record was unlocked. This has been fixed.
212-41 - DNS version - DNS job record - the bulk inventory add list was showing DNS general inventory part numbers that were flagged as inactive - this has been fixed.
212-41 - HughesNet version - a secondary audit date has been added to the HughesNet job record. The HughesNet job summary report can now have jobs excluded when a secondary audit date exists.
212-41 - all versions - pay period report - a column for the job image audit has been added to the pay period report.
212-40 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-39 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-38 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-37 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-36 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-35 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-34 beta testing inventory assignment tracking
212-33 release available 06/07/2012
212-33 - HughesNet version - Perfect-10 RA processing - The RA process has been updated to accommodate internal changes made in the Perfect-10 web site.
212-33 - DNS version - DNS job connectivity - a check box for “no job connectivity” has been added to the job connectivity window.
212-33 - DNS version - DNS jobs now can have consumable inventory added. This feature previously existed in all job types except DNS jobs.
212-33 - DNS version - DNS receiver speed entry - the card number can now be disabled in receiver speed entry. This eliminates having to scan the receiver card number.
212-32 release available 05/31/2012
212-32 - all versions - store record - an external zip code list can now be imported into individual store records.
212-32 - DNS version - DNS inventory to be shipped list - the job completed date has been added to the list.
212-32 - HughesNet version - HNS job on technician web portal - the OVT information was not showing in the job record. This has been fixed.
212-32 - DNS version - DNS job connectivity has been updated to include the HIC component and reimbursements for connectivity have been divided into labor and hardware. The DNS connectivity report has been updated.
212-32 - all versions - menu-level access control has been added for the setup menus.
212-31 release available 05/23/2012
212-31 - all versions - menu-level access control has been added for the sales, reports, and dns primary menus.
212-31 - DNS version - ETA importer and updater - during imports and updates existing to-be-returned records were not being synced with the job technician. This has been fixed.
212-30 release available 05/15/2012
212-30 - DNS version - ETA importer and updater - beta testing.
212-29 release available 05/07/2012
212-29 - DNS version - ETA importer and updater - DNS jobs that have been canceled in CommPay because of being removed from ETA or canceled in ETA will now be made active again in CommPay if the ETA status is changed back to active. Previously, DNS jobs would stay canceled in CommPay once a canceled date was set.
212-28 release available 05/02/2012
212-28 - all versions - staff payroll report - the filter settings are now remembered from one session to the next.
212-28 - all versions - staff payroll report - the payment detail description now shows on the printout for zero-pay amount jobs.
212-28 - all versions - staff payroll report - the printout now shows the jobs completed date range in addition to the pay period date.
212-28 - DNS version - ETA importer and updater - the ETA notes import has been decoupled from the job import so that a note import failure will not prevent the job from importing.
212-28 - DNS version - inventory to-be-returned report - the serial number and caid number have been added to the printout and spreadsheets.
212-28 - all versions - scheduled jobs list - a no-refresh check box has been added that will prevent auto-refresh of the list when a job record has been edited.
212-28 - all versions - the technician inventory needed function has been expanded to allow technicians to manually add inventory requests for both standard inventory and technician sale items. This is in addition to the existing automated inventory needed features.
212-28 - all versions - access control has been added for each individual staff report.
212-28 - DNS version - service codes and dealer payment calculations have been updated to account for Hopper/Joey installs and repairs. Service code P2 for tech visit has been replaced with in-house service codes that automatically allow for tiered payment calculations for the different pay structures for NC and CH job types..
212-27 release available 04/27/2012
212-27 - all versions - tweaks and adjustments to staff payroll miscellaneous deductions.
212-26 release available 04/25/2012
212-26 - all versions - unlimited miscellaneous deductions and holdback deductions (tech retainer) have been added to the staff payroll report.
212-25 release available 04/23/2012
212-25 - HughesNet version - equipment credits received can now be manually added in the HughesNet job record.
212-25 - DNS version - the user now has the option in DNS general setup to indicate that DNS jobs that have been removed from ETA but have a completed date entered in the CommPay DNS job record should not be canceled in CommPay. The user also has the option to indicate that jobs canceled via ETA should not have the date scheduled removed.
212-25 - all versions - A warning message has been added to all job types to inform the user when a technician chargeback has been added but the chargeback pay period is missing.
212-25 - DNS version - in the dns job record the connectivity button has been enabled full time and decoupled from connectivity service codes - this allows any dns job type to have connectivity information added.
212-25 - all versions - staff payroll - miscellaneous deductions have been added to staff payroll. Each staff record can have an unlimited number of deductions. Each deduction can have a start and end time, be designated as flat rate or percentage, have a recurring balance reduction, or be designated as a technician holdback. Each staff record has a new tab to show all holdback deductions and a means to add a holdback payout. Initial holdback amounts can set, such as in the case of balance transfers.
212-25 - DNS version - RA’d inventory to be shipped - the RA tracking number can now be edited for an entire shipped batch, in bulk, after a batch has been processed.
212-25 - DNS version - automatic RA record creation from existing RA numbers on job import can now be turned off in DNS general setup.
212-25 - all versions - each purchase order can now have a user-defined ship-to address.
212-25 - all versions - technician-only web portal - all printed worksheets have been modified to include line two of the customer address.
212-25 - all versions - proposal job type - when a packaged part number was selected as an invoice item in a job proposal an inventory quantity checked was being performed when it should not have been. This has been fixed. Proposal job types can now have a scheduled date selected and a warranty status selected.
212-25 - all versions - customer record - the city selection list was not populating the customer record fields when used as a selection list. This has been fixed.
212-24 release available 04/14/2012
212-24 - DNS version - bug fix - ETA updater - when the ETA importer and ETA updater ran at the same time the ETA updater removed non-processed jobs that were in the ETA importers processing list. This has been fixed.
212-24 - DNS version - the web portals for dispatch and technician access for DNS jobs have updated to match the new ETA features in the main program.
212-23 release available 04/12/2012
212-23 - DNS version - bug fix - ETA updater - the ETA updater was not canceling jobs that were removed from the dealers queue on the ETA web site. This has been fixed.
212-22 release available 04/09/2012
212-22 - DNS version - various tweaks and adjustments to the ETA interface.
212-21 release available 04/08/2012
212-21 - DNS version - various tweaks and adjustments to the ETA interface.
212-20 release available 04/06/2012
212-20 - DNS version - ETA automation now auto-assigns the technician in the CommPay DNS job if the technician is already assigned in ETA plus various tweaks and adjustments to the ETA interface.
212-19 release available 04/03/2012
212-19 - DNS version - various tweaks and adjustments to the ETA interface.
212-18 release available 04/02/2012
212-18 - DNS version - various tweaks and adjustments to the ETA interface.
212-17 - all versions - the general inventory usage report has been updated to include consumable inventory from all job types.
212-16 release available 03/30/2012
212-16 - DNS version - CommPay now interfaces seamlessly with the ETA API web services.
212-15 release available 03/20/2012
212-15 - all versions - CommPay dispatch web server - if the logged dispatch person is restricted to a single logged store by staff access permissions now only jobs in the same store will appear in dispatch job record lists. This feature only applied to job routers prior to this.
212-15 - all versions - a new Staff Sales Report has been added. This is in addition to all existing sales reports. The new Staff Sales Reports is filtered by date of entry or date of sale and shows all jobs that have a sales person selected, regardless of job type. The report includes all jobs for sales persons 1, 2, and 3.
212-15 - all versions - a date of sale has been added to service call and installation job types - this allows these jobs to be tracked in the sales person summary report.
212-14 release available 03/18/2012
212-14 - all versions - the general inventory list now has an import function - new part numbers can be imported from a spreadsheet.
212-14 - all versions - the staff satellite sales report has been modified to include all job types in addition to satellite sales.
212-13 release available 03/15/2012
212-13 - HughesNet version - the CommPay RA submission for Perfect-10 has been updated to accommodate the changes on the Perfect-10 web site that now require a fail reason for RA submissions.
212-12 release available 03/11/2012
212-12 - CommPay Android - now supports OVT for HughesNet jobs.
212-12 - all versions - customer follow-up call capabilities have been added directly to customer records, eliminating the need for a follow-up call to be tied to a job record. An unlimited number of follow-up call records can be added to each customer record whereas only a single follow-up call record can be tagged to a job record. Follow-up call records now have a note entry field.
212-11 release available 03/08/2012
212-11 - HughesNet version - IVR and OVT have been added to Hughes job types.
212-11 - all versions - the CommPay barcode printing feature now prints QR barcodes along with standard barcodes.
212-11 - HughesNet version - technician start and end times and start and end mileage have been added to HughesNet jobs.
212-11 - all versions - the point-of-sale setup menu has been combined with the general setup menu.
212-11 - all versions - job schedule changes for satellite sales and service jobs are now tracked in job general notes.
212-11 - HughesNet version - job closing - Hughes jobs with a BOM of CON REPAIR PARTS have been made exempt from serial number forced entry.
212-10 release available 02/29/2012
212-10 - HughesNet version - CommPay has been updated to accommodate the February 29th changes to the Hughes DirectWay web site.
212-10 - CommPay Android - time clock and job general notes have been added.
212-09 release available 02/27/2012
212-09 - CommPay Android has been released for beta testing. CommPay Android installs on any Android phone or tablet and allows the field technician to upload inventory used, consumable inventory, and customer invoice items directly into job records from the job site in real-time. CommPay Android will be expanded with many other functions in the upcoming months.
212-09 - all versions - a view history button has been added to the time clock window. This allows the staff member to view past clock-in and clock-out records.
212-09 - all versions - bug fix - Directv commercial satellite sale - CommPay was not allowing more than one space in the business name of a Directv commercial sale. This should only apply to the customer last name for a residential sale. This has been fixed.
212-09 - all versions - bug fix - satellite dealer payments due report - when a satellite sale had a open customer invoice the dealer pay due flag was not being set - this has been fixed. This was a regression that introduced in the 212-07 release.
212-09 - HughesNet version - bug fix - staff payment summary - when the image audit filter was used in the staff payment summary report and sales commissions were entered in any Hughes sale type job the staff payment for the sale was being erroneously filtered out. This has been fixed.
212-08 release available 02/10/2012
212-08 - HughesNet version - completed job follow-up has been added to the Hughes sale job type. This feature already exists in all other job types.
212-08 - all versions - technician web portal - forced password change has been added to the web portal login.
212-08 - all versions - new feature - a time clock has been added to CommPay. This allows staff to punch-in and punch-out and maintain work time records. This can be done in both the main program and the technician web portal. A comprehensive time clock report allows for the automatic computation and display of work time totals for staff members by pay period and/or by date range, either singly or by common pay cycle.
212-08 - all versions - job pay periods can now be automatically set when a job is completed. A pay period setup list has been added where the user can create a list of upcoming pay periods that indicate what pay period should be automatically assigned to a job when the completed date falls within a predefined range of dates. The user is automatically notified when the number of upcoming pay periods on the setup list falls below a user-defined count.
212-08 - all versions - job image handler - main program - .pdf files can now be imported into the CommPay image handler in any job record.
212-08 - all versions - technician web portal - .pdf files can now be uploaded to job records via the technician web portal. PDF files will be processed as documents with each page stored as a separate file and stored as .jpg files in non-Hughes jobs and stored as .tif files in Hughes job types. Files stored in CommPay as documents are not white-boarded while files stored as images will be white-boarded at the users choice.
212-08 - all versions - job schedule change technician notification email - email notifications for scheduled time changes has been added.
212-07 release available 02/05/2012
212-07 - HughesNet version - the job summary report can now be set to include all jobs types, not just Hughes jobs.
212-07 - all versions - satellite sales activation summary report - additional filters for sale type, sales person, and retailer logon have been added.
212-07 - all versions - new feature - a job schedule change notification email can now be manually or automatically sent to the assigned technician. Whenever a technician assignment change is made to a job or a scheduled date change is made to a job the involved technician(s) can be sent an email notifying them of the schedule change. This feature can be turned off, set to ask the user if the email is to be sent, or automatically send the email with no user input. The actual email is generated and sent in the background.
212-07 - all versions - a new Customers Payments Due report has been added. This reports shows all jobs that have a customer balance due. This report can be used by users who do not utilize the point-of-sale customer balance tracking features in CommPay.
212-07 - all versions - technician job email images and documents - the email receive process can now be set to use the senders email address as the technician identifier. This eliminates the need for the technician to enter the CommPay login username and password in the subject line of the email. The subject line requirements in the email have also been modified and are now 1) Jxxxxxxx for pictures for in-house jobs, 2) JDxxxxxx for documents for in-house jobs, 3) Hxxxxxx for pictures for Hughes jobs, and 4) HDxxxxxx for documents for Hughes jobs.
212-07 - HughesNet version - a second technician can now be selected for HughesNet jobs.
212-06 release available 01/31/2012
212-06 - all versions - technician job email documents - bug fix - the 211-05 release introduced a bug that prevented image emails with DOC in the subject line from being processed. This has been fixed.
212-06 - all versions - the customer credit limit code number 1 can now have a dollar value set. Credit limit code number 1 is the only credit limit code that can have a value of zero or greater than zero. All other credit limit codes must have a value greater than zero.
212-05 release available 01/30/2012
212-05 - all versions - service and repair job types - a sales person selection list has been added.
212-05 - all versions - technician web portal - a printed technician worksheet has been added to in-house installation and service call job types. This is in addition to the existing printable customer invoice.
212-05 - all versions - technician web portal - the technician can now change the job status if given permission in staff access control.
212-05 - all versions - the CommPay service manager has been overhauled to correct several bugs that were affecting the service manager stability with Vista and Windows 7 CommPay servers.
212-05 - all versions - technician image and document emailing - all CommPay job types now support email import of .pdf document files. Previously only HughesNet job types supported this feature. The email subject line for non-Hughes job types for document import must be
“username,password,JOBDOCxxxxxx” (without quotes and xxxxx=job number)
212-05 - HughesNet version - technician web portal - the user can now choose to not include tentatively scheduled HughesNet jobs on the technician job lists. This feature is turned on in Hughes general setup.
212-04 release available 01/21/2012
212-04 - all versions - satellite dealer payment due report - the report can now be filtered to show both Directv and Dish Network payments due, Directv Only, or Dish Network Only. Before this all payments due were combined.
212-04 - HughesNet version - Perfect-10 dealers -  a button has been added to the Hughes job record that, when clicked, will display the Perfect-10 NIMS job detail page.
212-03 release available 01/17/2012
212-03 - HughesNet version - Perfect-10 dealers - images for Hughes jobs uploaded to Perfect-10 can now no longer have a file extension of .jpeg - only .jpg files are accepted. The CommPay image processor has been modified for this change.
212-02 release available 01/15/2012
212-02 - all versions - Directv satellite sale- the commercial sale functions have been completed for Directv satellite sales.
212-02 - all versions - technician web portal - once a job has been audited a technician can now no longer add inventory used, add consumables used, or add to the customer invoice.
212-02 - all versions - customer record - a list has been added to the customer record that shows all serial numbers used in all jobs for the customer.
212-02 - all versions - inventory serial number record - an edit model number button has been added. This allows the model number of a serial number record to be edited after the serial number has been used. The user must have inventory edit access permissions set to enable this.
212-02 - all versions - customer record - a customer contact list has been added to the customer record. This allows for an unlimited number of contacts to be added in each customer record.
212-02 - all versions - customer record - a check box has been added to designate a customer as a commercial customer. Checking this box changes the field descriptions of several data fields and disables several unneeded data fields.
212-01 release available 01/03/2012
212-01 - all versions - Directv satellite sale - the MDU functions have been completed for Directv satellite sales.
212-01 - all versions - the job customer follow-up feature has been added to jobs posted to history.
212-01 - all versions - CommPay MapPoint interface - MapPoint .ptt and .ptm map files can be directy imported as background maps now. This is in addition to already being able to use .xls territory data sets as background maps.
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