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what’s new in CommPay  for 2008

208-39 12/17/2008 - web server - technician payment summary report - a bug has been fixed that caused the report to terminate during generation if multiple techs were viewing the report at one time.
208-39 12/17/2008 - dns version - dns inventory usage report - the report has been updated to include all retail job types. Counter sales were not appearing in the report - this has been fixed. The date filter can now be set to the date the inventory was used in the job.
208-39 12/15/2008 - all versions - all four CommPay services, 1)econnect importer, 2)econnect processor, 3)automation, and 4)web server, have been turned into non-interractive services. This means the services now run totally hidden and cannot be interracted directly with. A new CommPay Service Manager program has been added to allow for setup, monitoring, and control of the services. The end result is Windows Vista can now be used as the CommPay data server, greater ease of use, and more stable operation.
208-39 12/15/2008 - point-of-sale version - open job list - print and spreadsheet - the job record customer purchase order has been added to the printed list and spreadsheet.
208-39 12/10/2008 - dns version - WebServer - file upload - the technician can now be limited to a user-defined number of days to upload files to a job record after the job has been completed. The number of days is set in dns general setup.
208-39 12/10/2008 - dns version - receiver speed entry - the default "must begin with" for the receiver card has been changed from "S00" to just "S" to accomodate the changes in smart card numbering.
208-39 12/09/2008 - all versions - scanned document report - a checkbox filter has been added to allow for the filtering out of any jobs that do not have a completed date.
208-38 12/02/2008 available for download - dns and point-of-sale versions - a new report that shows jobs with/without scanned documents has been added. This allows for creating a list of jobs, by scheduled date, that shows the scanned document count for each job on the list.
208-38 12/02/2008 - all versions - employee payment summary report - the show-all-due report has been updated to include filtering for the ok-to-pay-technician filter.
208-38 12/02/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - a new feature has been added to technician inventory assignment that, if turned on in setup, forces the entry of a technician id (employee number) rather than selecting the technician from a drop list. This also applies to inventory control in WebServer.
208-38 12/01/2008 - dns version - the RA reconciliation spreadsheet template has been updated to the latest version supplied by Dish Network.
208-37 11/16/2008 available for download - dns version - web remote - technician job record - the technician can add econnect notes if given permission in access control in the employee record.
208-37 11/16/2008 - all versions - web remote - technician job record - the technician can indicate via a checkbox if the job has been modified from the original work request. Permission to do this is set in access control in the employee record.
208-37 11/16/2008 - all versions - a satellite sale export report has been added. This allows for the export of all satellite sale data for import into another software package.
208-37 11/14/2008 - dns version - econnect printed notes can now be prevented from printing with the technician worksheet via a checkbox in dns general setup. Econnect notes can also be hidden for individual logins in the technician open job record in WebServer via a checkbox in the employee record access control window.
208-37 11/11/2008 - all versions - support for Verifone signature readers has been added. This applies to technician inventory assignments, technician sales, and general retail sales.
208-36 11/08/2008 available for download - web server - inventory control has been expanded to included all features necessary for assignment, return, transfer, and RA processing.
208-35 10/27/2008 available for download - web server - dns dispatch - a list of the days jobs that allows for multiple store selection has been added.
208-34 10/21/2008 - dns version - dns job record - the 2nd and 3rd customer phone number and technician phone number are now shown in the job record window.
208-33 10/15/2008 - dns version - inventory-to-be-shipped report - the report has been enhanced to display much faster when a store filter has been selected.
208-32 10/13/2008 available for download - WebRemote - inventory control now allows the user to return defective equipment via to-be-returned processing. This creates and submits RA requests.
208-31 10/07/2008 available for download - dns versions - service code batches have been added. This allows the user to create service code batches that can be selected in the dns job import record to automatically populate a dns job's service codes from a pre-created user-defined list.
208-31 10/07/2008 - dns version - bug fix - manually created dns job import record - the service codes were not being saved when a dns job import record was manually created - this has been fixed
208-30 10/06/2008 - all versions - WebServer - inventory control has been added to WebServer - this means that inventory can be assigned, returned, transfered, and added to stock using the browser interface.
208-30 09/30/2008 - dns version - econnect job notes - the date format of the econnect notes create date has been changed by econnect from a 2-digit year to a 4-digit year. This resulted in the wrong date showing for the notes create date in the CommPay job record. This has been fixed.
208-30 09/28/2008 - dns version - dns job record - labor and credit owed balances - the labor and credit received amounts has been modified to show negative values. This is important when chargebacks are greater than the amount received.
208-30 09/28/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - inventory to-be-returned report - a checkbox has been added for "include only completed jobs". When this checkbox is checked only to-be-returned records for a job with a completed date will be included in the report.
208-30 09/26/2008 - web remote - a technician disputed job list has been added to web remote for single technician login. This allows a technician to view any previously created dispute.
208-29 09/24/2008 - dns version - inventory to-be-returned record - entry fields for serial, caid, and card number have been added.
208-29 09/23/2008 - dns version - dns job record - inventory speed usage - when a receiver is added to a job via speed usage and the receiver has been RA'd as defective stock the user is now asked, in addition to "do you want to add this RA'd receiver to the job", do you want to tag the RA record to the job also. Previously the RA record was automatically tagged to the job.
208-29 09/22/2008 - dns version - econnect workorder activated receiver list - in the econnect workorder accessed from the dns job record a button has been added to the activated receiver list. The button is labeled "create to-be-returned record". When the button is clicked a to-be-returned record and RA record will be automatically created for the highlighted activated receiver. The model, caid, serial, and card numbers are automatically filled in the RA record along with item description and cost.
208-29 09/22/2008 - dns version - to-be-returned record - a drop list has been added to replace the description entry field. This is the same drop list used in the RA record for the item description. When an RA record is created directly after the save of the to-be-returned record the description and item cost are automatically passed to the RA record and will be pre-filled.
208-28  09/10/2008 - not available
208-27 09/09/2008 available for download - all versions - access control has been added for inventory assignment, transfer, returns, technician sale, and add to stock. Each user can be set to be allowed/not allowed for adding inventory to stock, assigning inventory to technicians, returning inventory from technicians, doing inventory transfers from one store to another, or for creating technician inventory sales. This applies to both workstation CommPay and web-accessed CommPay
208-27 09/06/2008 - all versions - three new data tokens have been added to letters and contracts - 1) last 4 digits of customer's credit card number - 2) last 4 digits of customer's social security number - 3) last 4 digits of customer's spouse social security number.
208-27 09/04/2008 - dns version - bug fix - econnect workorder get - when the manufacturer of a receiver was shown as "Dish Network" on the econnect workorder the receiver information on the workorder would not extract correctly - this has been fixed in both the job record and econnect importer.
208-27 09/03/2008 - dns version - new feature - dns econnect receiver list - this new report allows jobs to be located by entering one of the receiver number, workorder number, or RA number. This list shows all receivers in the imported econnect workorder detail.
208-26 08/25/2008 available for download - all versions - customer record - secure notes have been added to the customer record. This allows for the entry of notes into the customer record that can only be viewed after being added - not edited or deleted. In conjuction with the secure notes, many of the data fields in the customer record are now tracked for changes and any changes are automatically added to secure notes. This gives permanently saved tracking of changes made to the customer record. All secure notes are automatically date-time-user stamped.
208-26 08/22/2008 - all versions - the customer record window has been redesigned for easier and more efficient data entry.
208-26 08/22/2008 - all versions - image scanning and import - the imaging subsystem has been completely redesigned  to eliminate the use of ocx imaging controls. This results in much stabler operation, simpler and easier to use image scanning and importing. Image scanning and importing has also been added to employee records.
208-26 08/20/2008 - dns version - employee payroll report - printed payment summary - bug fix - when tech pay for dns jobs was being calculated by job service code the printed payment summary was showing the incorrect total for non-itemized payments. This has been fixed.
208-26 08/19/2008 - dns version - scheduled jobs list - when print-all is selected the user is now asked what to print; econnect workorders, econnect notes, and/or the CommPay worksheets. This feature must be turned on in dns general setup.
208-26 08/13/2008 - all versions - printed customer contact record - the customer credit card information and social security number has been removed from the printed contact record.
208-25 08/08/2008 - dns version - dns job record - pay technician by service code - a service code exemption list has been added that allows for service codes to be added that the technician is not to be paid for.
208-25 08/08/2008 - dns version - RA credit import list - when a credit is not matched during processing the job record can now be viewed via the workorder number lookup.
208-25 08/08/2008 - all version - serialized item tracker - the entry field is now automatically changed to upper-case.
208-25 08/08/2008 - dns version - RA record - the receiver number fields are now automatically left-justified. This removes any spaces inadvertantly added in front of the receiver numbers.
208-25 08/08/2008 - dns version - RA automation - bug fix - superdish RA emails were not being matched to the CommPay RA record. This has been fixed
208-25 08/08/2008 - dns version - dns job record - a button has been added next to the completed date field that, when clicked, inserts the current date into the completed date field. This circumvents having to double-click on the date field and selecting the date from the popup calendar.
208-25 07/30/2008 - dns version - labor payments and equipment credit import list - the column placement for each item can now be selected for the payment/credit import file. This compensates for changes in the cm/eft data column placement. When the column placement is entered it is saved for the next import.
208-25 07/29/2008 - dns version - dns inventory-to-be-returned report - the inventory reference number has been added to the spreadsheet export.
208-24 07/28/2007 available for download - dns version - dns imported job record window - the dns workorder type has been changed from a drop list to a two-character entry field.
208-24 07/28/2008 - dns version - scheduled jobs list - print list - landscape - for dns jobs the printed list, landscape type, now shows the dns job activity request for the notes and shows hardware delivery.
208-24 07/26/2008 - dns version - adding duplicate receivers to dns receiver inventory is now allowed. This feature is turned on by a checkbox in dns general setup. When a dns receiver is added to inventory either by receiver speed entry or receiver invoice import and the caid or card number is already in the database the existing receiver number is automatically incremented by dash one (-1) in both the receiver record and RA record (if RA record exists). This scenario would happen when a defective receiver is RA'd and then sent back with the same caid and/or card number.
208-24 07/26/2008 - dns version - a checkbox "allow defective stock RA'd receivers to be added to job inventory used" has been added to dns general setup. When this checkbox is checked users will be able to add receivers that have been RA'd as defective stock to the job record. The defective stock RA record will be automatically tagged to the job record.
208-24 07/26/2008 - dns version - the dns job record window has been redesigned to allow for more efficient use.
208-24 07/25/2008 - dns version - RA email import - the RA number extracted from the email is now cleaned to remove all non-legitimate characters before the RA record search is done. The purpose of this is to remove spaces and underscore characters that may have been inadvertantly added to the RA number during generation.
208-24 07/25/2008 - dns version - a "do not import" checkbox has been added to the dns service code record. When this checkbox is checked the service code will not be added to the dns job record service code list during the job import or update. Also, a "do not add new service codes to dns job record" checkbox has been added to dns general setup. When this checkbox is checked any imported service code found during job import or update that is not already on the dns service code database list will not be added to the dns job record. The primary purpose of these two new features is to prevent econnect tag codes and other uncessary codes from being added to the dns job record.
208-24 07/21/2008 - dns version - RA record - if the dns import record workorder number is edited/changed the RA record is now updated to change the RA record internal work order number to match the dns import record.
208-24 07/15/2008 - dns version - RA credit import - RA chargebacks in the RA credit import spreadsheet were previously shown as a positive value but now are shown as a negative value. This results in RA chargebacks being added to the net credit rather than being subtracted from the net credit. This has been fixed in CommPay so the net credit will be calculated correctly in either case.
208-24 07/15/2008 - dns version - econnect logon list - a spreadsheet export has been added to the dns econnect logon list.
208-24 07/09/2008 - dns version - technician pay for individual jobs can be set to "no tech pay allowed" via a button on the tech pay tab in the job record. If the job is set to "no tech pay allowed" the technician payment due is always automatically reset to zero when the job record is saved. Access to this feature is password protected.
208-23 07/09/2008 available for download - dns version - a checkbox has been added to dns general setup for "automatically refresh technician pay when a date completed has been entered". This causes the job's tech pay to auto refresh when a dns job record is saved if the date completed has been entered.
208-23 07/08/2008 - dns version - when notes are added to econnect the notes are also automatically added to the dns job general notes. This is in addition to the econnect notes list shown in the dns job record.
208-23 06/09/2008 - all versions - a filter-by-marketing-description has been added to the customer mailing list report.
208-23 06/04/2008 - dns version - an audit date field has been added to the dns job record. This allows jobs that have been audited to be filtered out of the scheduled jobs list.
208-22 05/20/2008 available for download - all versions - email configuration - the email send authentication username and password have been lengthened from 30 characters to 255 characters.
208-22 05/07/2008 - dns version - bug fix - RA to be shipped list - label and manifest print - descriptions were not printing correctly for wild blue and super dish items. This has been fixed.
208-21 05/06/2008 available for download - dns version - inventory-to-be-shipped list - substore filtering has been added to allow for displaying only items where the job's technician is assigned to the selected substore. An additional list sort selection for reference number has been added.
208-21 05/02/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - employee chargeback report - the report has been modfied to show chargebacks for all employees at one time if a single employee is not selected from the filter list.
208-20 05/01/2008 available for download - all versions - bug fix - employee payroll summary report - non-itemized user-defined job payments were not correctly subtotaling on the spreadsheet export. This has been fixed.
208-20 04/30/2008 - dns version - bug fix - RA request submit - retail job - when a user had dns setup set for RA submissions to first retreive the 9-digit tech code from econnect before the submit took place for a retail job the submit was failing with an erroneous error message. This has been fixed.
208-20 04/28/2008 - dns version - econnect importer - when a manual import is initiated from the importer the user can now select to import from a single login or all logins. If a single login is selected the user is presented with a selection list of all possible logins from which to choose the desired single login to import.
208-20 04/25/2008 - all versions - activation report - the imported payment eft number has been added to the number 1 spreadsheet export.
208-20 04/25/2008 - dns version - bug fix - econnect importer - when the econnect importer was set to not import notes the notes for new jobs were not being downloaded but the notes for existing jobs were still being downloaded. This has been fixed.
208-19 04/24/2008 available for download - all versions - web server - dispatch functions - a customer counter sale can be created from the web server dispatch window. This allows the dispatcher to create a sale to the customer.
208-19 04/21/2008 - dns version - web server dispatch functions - the add-inventory-used part number drop list is now filtered to eliminate inactive inventory from the selection list.
208-19 04/18/2008 - dns version - econnect automatic importer - the econnect importer has been redesigned for greater stability and now automatically updates existing job notes and econnect workorder data as part of the normal import process.
208-19 04/09/2008 - dns verision - bug fix - RA inventory-to-be-shipped process - when inventory to be shipped was processed the notes automatically sent to econnect were incorrectly referring to the type of equipment being shipped. This has been fixed.
208-19 04/09/2008 - dns version - econnect processor - changes have been made so econnect is accessed prior to closing a workorder to see if the workorder is already closed. This will prevent the double-closing of workorders that can be caused if the first close attempt fails.
208-18 04/09/2008 available for download - dns version - RA inventory to be shipped list - a management area filter, tracking number filter, and pallet filter have been added.
208-18 04/09/2008 - web remote - dispatch section - a drop list has been added to the add-inventory-used tab. The drop list is used to select the general inventory used and is listed by item description. The new drop list is in addition to the entry field for serial number/receiver number.
208-18 04/09/2008 - dns version - RA number list - a new tab for date-created has been added. The spreadsheet export can now be filtered by date created in addition to date shipped. New columns for account number, receiver serial number, and receiver card number have been added to the spreadsheet export.
208-18 04/08/2008 - dns version - trouble call report - the trouble call report has been updated to match the calculation processes used by Dish to determine trouble call percentage rates. The user has two choices when the report is built 1)use database data 2)use econnect data. The econnect data choice mirrors the Dish calculation process.
208-18 04/08/2008 - dns version - bug fix - econnect processor - when an RA email receive process started and a thread delay was running it could cause a crash of the econnect processor program - this has been fixed.
208-18 04/08/2008 - dns version - dns general inventory serial number print list - delete buttons have been added for single item, single part number, and all items. This allows items to be removed from the print list without the need to print them first.
208-17 04/03/2008 available for download - dns version - RA request submission - when a RA request is submitted the user can be setup to be asked if the 9-digit tech code should be retrieved from econnect prior to the submit or if the 9-digit code from the management area record should be used. This feature is used when the tech code for the job has been changed by econnect to a different tech code than was originally in the job import.
208-17 03/31/2008 - all versions - a new procedured called Receiver Search has been added to inventory reports. This allows for the import of an external list of receiver numbers and then the imported list is searched for each receiver in CommPay. The search shows what job, RA record, or inventory record the receiver is currently found in.
208-17 03/29/2008 - dns version - dns inventory to-be-returned report - date filters have been added to allow for filtering by date. The date filter can be designated to filter by date created or date returned.
208-17 03/28/2008 - dns version - full access control has been added for RA records and associated data. This allows access to RAs and associated records to be fine tuned for each individual user.
208-17 03/27/2008 - dns version - dns receiver speed entry - verification has been added to the dns receiver speed entry window that checks the number of characters for each receiver number and checks the starting characters of each receiver number. Verification can be turned on/off in any combination for each of the three receiver numbers.
208-17 03/26/2008 - point-of-sale and dns versions - user-defined technician payment list - the user-defined technician payment list now has five technician payment levels and the technician payment level is set in the employee record. This allows for a five tier technician payment structure. The payment level is selected in the employee record and when the user-defined payment list is imported into the employee record the matching payment tier amount is used for the amount in the payment list in the employee record.
208-17 03/25/2008 - dns version - bug fix - RA automatic resubmit - was not correctly calculating and responding to the resubmit days setting in dns general setup. This resulted in RAs not automatically being resubmitted. This has been fixed.
208-17 03/24/2008 - dns version - auto-RA creation - when an RA record is automatically created on job import the user has the option in program setup to automatically create an RA handling reimbursement that is added to the job payments due list. RA handling eft payment files can now be imported and applied to jobs just as normal equipment credits and labor payments.
208-17 03/24/2008 - dns version - RA number list - a spreadsheet export has been added to the RA number list. The spreadsheet can be created by a date shipped range and store filter.
208-17 03/19/2008 - dns version - econnect auto-importer - transaction logging can now be turned off globally. This will result in a slower import but will allow for the import to continue if an error is encountered during a single job processing.
208-17 03/18/2008 - dns version - RA automation - RA requests can now be submitted for Wildblue equipment.
208-16 03/14/2008 available for download - point-of-sale version - Inventory Usage Report - the inventory usage report now includes dns general inventory used in retail jobs. A date filter for job created date has been added.
208-15 03/12/2008 available for download - dns version - trouble call report - the TC report has been streamlined for faster generation and enhanced for greater accuracy. Cancelled trouble calls were not being included in the report regardless of the checkbox being checked and the technician summary spreadsheet was not showing the correct total job count. This has been fixed.
208-15 03/11/2008 - all versions - scheduled jobs list - standard spreadsheet export - the customer service agreement number has been added to the spreadsheet. The job type now shows the dns job type for dns jobs.
208-15 03/11/2008 - dns version - bug fix - an insufficient quantity assigned error message was displayed when adding inventory used to a job. This only occured when a dns general inventory part number had been changed from upper case/lowercase. This has been fixed.
208-15 03/09/2008 - dns version - RA'd inventory to-be-shipped report - a barcode for the RA number has been added to the printed shipping manifest.
208-14 03/07/2008 available for download - dns version - RA automation - when an auto-generated RA'd item is returned by the technician notes are now automatically sent to econnect stating that the item has been returned to the sub-contractor or rsp.
208-14 03/07/2008 - dns version - RA automation - RA requests can now be submitted for SuperDish equipment.
208-14 03/06/2008 - dns version - RA number list - a delete button has been added to allow for the deletion of defective stock RA records from the RA number list. This delete button is for defective stock RA records only.
208-14 03/05/2008 - dns version - bug fix - RA email automation - some accessory descriptions in received RA emails were wrapping part of the description to the next line in the email. This was causing the RA email to be not matched to the RA record in CommPay. This has been fixed.
208-14 03/05/2008 - dns version - RA email list - the RA email list now has additional tabs to show records not matched, duplicate records, no work order found, and no job number found. The RA email list can now be filtered by store. The RA email list can now be exported to a spreadsheet. A new error category has been added   for "needs intervention" - this error is created when there is not a valid RA number in the email.
208-14 03/04/2008 - dns version - RA automation - pre-existing RAs that did not import with the initial automated job import are now double-checked during auto-import the day after the job was imported and created at that time.
208-14 03/04/2008 - dns version - econnect auto-import - cancelled jobs - when jobs are cancelled by econnect, during the auto-import all labor payments and equipment credits due records are now deleted from the job record.
208-13 03/03/2008 available for download - all versions - maintenance update
208-12 02/26/2008 available for download - web server - technicians can now add inventory used and create to-be-returned records in their own jobs accessed through the CommPay WebServer. This access is controlled for each individual technician in employee access control.
208-12 02/26/2008 - dns version - RA resubmit - RA request resubmission has been automated. RA requests can be set to automatically resubmit after xx number of days. The resubmit days setting is set in dns general setup. A new report for RA submit failure has been added that shows RA requests that have failed after a preset number of attempts.
208-12 02/26/2008 - all versions - technician inventory sign-off sheet - the font size of the part number/description printed field has been reduced to allow for the entire item to print without being clipped.
208-12 02/25/2008 - dns version - econnect processor - job closing verification can now be selectively turned off and leave all other functions turned on.
208-12 02/22/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - inventory assignment and transfer - automatic entry completion has been added to serialized item store transfer.
208-11 02/22/2008 available for download - dns version - bug fix - RA email viewer - if the received email was edited and set to process pending the changes to the email were not being saved. This has been fixed.
208-10 02/18/2008 available for download - dns version - RA inventory to be shipped list - the Find Item scanner has been expanded to find by inventory reference number and RA number. This is in addition to already finding by receiver number.
208-09 02/08/2008 available for download - dns version - bug fix - RA record - an RA request could not be submitted if the dns job record had been posted to history - this has been fixed.
208-09 02/08/2008 - dns version - dns general inventory record - the part number in the dns general inventory record is now locked against change if the part number has been used in job records or has been assigned to technicians.
208-09 02/08/2008 - dns version - inventory-to-be-shipped - the shipping weight of each item is now shown on the inventory-to-be-shipped list plus the total weight of all items checked for processing is shown at the top of the window. The total shipping weight and individual item weight print on the shipping manifest. The individual item weight is entered in program setup in the dns ra equipment description list.
208-09 02/08/2008 - dns version - RA record - checkboxes for needs-to-be-shipped, needs-to-be-submitted, and waiting-for-email have been added to the items that are unlocked when the RA record is unlocked via the reset password.
208-08 02/04/2008 available for download - dns version - RA record processing - RA records can now be designated as "exchange" rather than "credit". This is used in conjuction with RA automation. An RA number entry field has been added to receiver speed entry so that an exchanged item can have the RA number entered in speed entry and the RA record will be appropriately processed when the exchanged receiver is added to inventory. A new RA list showing items waiting for the exchanged inventory to arrive has been added.
208-08 02/02/2008 - dns version - inventory to be shipped report - inventory shipped records are now saved by batch number with a date/time/user logged stamp and the shipping manifest, item labels and other printed information can be reprinted at any time.
208-08 02/01/2008 - dns version - inventory to be shipped report - printed shipping manifest - the printed shipping manifest now includes the work order number and indicates whether the item RA number was already existing prior to job import.
208-08 02/01/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - inventory assignment and transfer window - technician sale - per a checkbox in general setup the technician inventory sale can be made to require the logged-in user's password to complete the sale rather than the techncian's password.
208-08 02/01/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - bug fix - on hand inventory report - printed report - the barcode on the printed report was pre-pending "dns part" to the actual part number if the item was dns general inventory. This has been fixed so the barcode represents the actual dns general inventory part number.
208-08 02/01/2008 - all versions - logon/logoff history list - a new tab has been added that shows a logon/logoff history list that can be filtered by a single user and filtered by a date range.
208-08 01/31/2008 - all versions - access control - the geographic location setup list has been added to access control.
208-08 01/31/2008 - dns version - dns receiver speed entry - a checkbox has been added to disable the R00 check of the caid number field. This is to allow for the entry of non-dish receivers.
208-07 01/29/2008 available for download - dns and point-of-sale versions - inventory assignment and return summary by store report - if a technician is assigned inventory under the wrong store the missassignment can now be corrected in the detail window of this report.
208-07 01/27/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - onhand inventory report - the printed summary report now has a barcode added that represents the part number.
208-07 01/26/2008 - dns version - bug fix - onhand inventory report - when generating the report for a single store dns remanufactured receivers were not being summed and instead were being listed individually. This has been fixed.
208-07 01/26/2008 - dns version - RA record - a reset-to-not-waiting-for-email button has been added. This is to allow an RA record to be reset for shipping/processing even though the RA email has not been received.
208-07 01/25/2008 - dns version - RA email list - a button had been added to clear a non-processable email to successfully processed and a button has been added to delete an email. The email view window has a button added to save changes made to the email.
208-06 01/24/2008 available for download - dns version - RA record - copy-to-clipboard buttons have been added for the work order number and the RA number.
208-06 01/22/2008 - dns version - RA record - an unlock RA number field button has been added. The RA re-submit password is used to unlock the RA number and other locked fields for editing.
208-05 01/21/2008 available for download - point-of-sale and dns version - scheduled jobs list - highlighting has been added to show jobs that have not been started on or before a time set in program setup. There are separate time settings for yellow and red indicators and AM or PM indicators.
208-04 01/19/2008 available for download - dns version - trouble call report - a checkbox has been added that allows canceled trouble calls to be included in the report.
208-01 01/19/2008 dns version - web remote - full dns dispatch capabilities have been added to the browser interface in CommPay WebRemote.
208-04 01/18/2008 - dns version - RA automation - inventory-to-be-shipped list - a receiver number scan field has been added that allows a receiver number to be scanned and have the item automatically flagged for shipment if the scanned number is found on the list. The box number and pallet number have been added to the process-for-shipment window.
208-04 01/16/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - bug fix - techncian general inventory assignment window - the calculated onhand quantities could be in error under some conditions and not match the quantities reported by the single technician onhand inventory report. The onhand inventory report showed the correct quantities but the general inventory assignent window totals did not match. This has been fixed.
208-04 01/16/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - bug fix - inventory speed usage - under some circumstances when a inventory-used item was being added to a job record via speed usage an incorrect technician quantity on hand could be reported. This was caused when the part number of the item being entered had at some time been changed from lower to upper case or vice-versa. This has been fixed.
208-04 01/15/2008 - dns version - bug fix - dns job record - general notes - when a receiver was deleted from the inventory used list the automatically generated general notes addition was not being saved. This has been fixed.
208-03 01/10/2008 - dns version - RA records have been made accessible from dns jobs that have been posted to history.
208-03 01/10/2008 - dns version - RA automation - RA email receive has been updated to receive and process RA emails for dealer stock items.
208-03 01/10/2008 - dns version - bug fix - RA automation - econnect notes were being created for upload for retail and stock RA records - this has been fixed.
208-03 01/10/2008 - dns version - bug fix - dns general inventory record - when the dns general inventory record was password protected from editing and the password was entered the record would still not clear for editing. This has been fixed.
208-02 01/09/2008 available for download - dns and point-of-sale version - employee payroll summary - technician debits now show on the report for all date filter types - pay period, date of sale, and date of install. Previously debits only showed on the report when filter by pay period was selected.
208-02 01/09/2008 - dns version - payment due report - a checkbox has been added that, when checked will subtract lost payments for labor and equipment from the balance due from each job record shown on the report list.
208-02 01/09/2008 - dns version - a button has been added to the dns job import window that, when clicked will initiate a manual import in the econnect automatic import service on the server.
208-02 01/08/2008 - dns and point-of-sale version - scheduled jobs list - a precall checkbox has been added to all job type records. When the precall checkbox is checked an icon displays next to the customer name on the scheduled jobs list indicating that a precall has been made for that customer. When the job scheduled date is changed the precall flag automatically resets to no precall made. The scheduled job list can be sorted by precalled jobs.
208-02 01/07/2008 - dns and point-of-sale version - print inventory reference label - a new label has been added that has room for the technician to indicate the problem with the item along with 6 check boxes for status and a line for the technician name.
208-02 01/05/2008 - dns version - RA automation - the ship-equipment-to information is now extracted from the email and shown on the RA record window. The ship-equipment-to information is also shown on the inventory-to-be-shipped report window. The inventory-to-be-shipped report window can be sorted by date email received, RA number, item description, and ship-to address. 
208-02 01/05/2008 - all versions - the job record can now be viewed directly from the RA email window.
208-02 01/04/2008 - dns and point-of-sale versions - employee payment summary - bug fix - the printed report net pay total could be in error if one of the job payment records had just an amount entered for tech pay rather than having a tech pay detail record. This has been fixed.
208-02 01/04/2008 - dns version - econnect processor - RA email viewer - a Reset button has been added to the received RA email list so that any email that was not successfully processed can be reset for re-processing.
208-01 01/02/2008 available for download - dns version - a new report showing RA records that have not yet had a request for an RA number submitted has been added.
208-01 01/02/2008 dns version - equipment-to-be-returned report - when returning equipment via the dns equipment-to-be-returned window the has-been-returned record was not being saved when the RA request was submitted. The to-be-returned record was being properly closed and saved. This has been fixed.
208-01 01/02/2008 all versions - WebRemote - per settings in employee access control a technician can be prevented from seeing job pay and technician inventory when connecting via CommPay WebRemote.
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